Car, Boat and Caravan Insurance

There’s nothing quite like a family road trip or a holiday on the river with the boat. The last thing you want is to have an accident and not be able to carry on with the fun because you didn’t have insurance! Our car, boat and caravan policies help make sure that doesn’t happen.

What is Car, Boat and Caravan Insurance?

Car, Boat and Caravan Insurance protects you against theft or accidental loss or damage against your asset.

Who needs Car, Boat and Caravan Insurance?

Anyone who has an asset that falls under one of these categories should have this insurance, both for their own peace of mind and because in most cases, it’s a legal requirement.

Why you should protect yourself?

The policy covers your assets against any theft or accidental loss or damage to your asset, including Third Party Fire and Theft and Third Party Property Damage. Therefore if Loss or Damage does occur there is cover in place to repair or replace the asset.

How can you protect yourself?

Our talented Risk Advisers can make sure you have the right insurance cover for you and your assets. They’ll work alongside you to find the best plan that works for your circumstances.


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NRIG is a licenced trading name of Adroit Insurance and Risk Pty Ltd, a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No 1309996) of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd, AFSL 240549. Adroit has been appointed by Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Limited ABN15 003 886 687 (IA) to recruit authorised representatives for IA and supervise and manage those authorised representatives. While Adroit holds an AFSL, Adroit and those individuals will not be providing any financial services to you. IA will be the licensee providing financial services to you and IA will be responsible for those financial services. IA will pay Adroit fees for the services it provides to IA.
This website contains general information only and may not suit your particular circumstances. To decide if a policy is right for you please carefully read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and/or Policy wording. A copy of the PDS or policy wording is available by contacting our office on (03) 5331 8317.
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